system of natural healing

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Meditation 10 – New Belief

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.  Are your thoughts nurturing you?  Do your thoughts help you feel uplifted and good?  Or loving and kind to yourself? 

Affirm:  I intend to replace this belief which hurts me (say belief) with my new belief (say new belief) which makes me feel good.

Music by Thaddius, Awaken your Heart Center, Heart Radiance. Design by Donna Chapman. Images by Kelly Hammond and Heart Image by Julie Borsboom

I wish to express my gratitude to the unknown source who channelled this information to me.

Meditation 11 – Project Light and Love

Experience how it feels to project love.

Affirm:  I intend to allow light and love to transform my emotions and project love to (name person).

Music by Thaddius, Angels, Angels of Love. Design by Donna Chapman. Images by Kelly Hammond

I wish to acknowledge and express my gratitude to Sanaya Roman who channels Orin for her help with this lesson.

Meditation 12 – Pain Body

Cut from other people’s drama, and view their situation from a higher perspective.  This is a wonderful lesson for the sensitive people among us!

Affirm:  I intend to detach from other people’s drama by ‘observing’ their pain instead of ‘feeling’ their pain.

Music by Thaddius, Angels, Angels of Healing. Design by Donna Chapman. Images by Kelly Hammond

I wish to acknowledge and express my gratitude to Ekhart Tolle for his help with this lesson.

Meditation 13 – Future Five Year You

You will be introduced to your future wise and inspirational you, the Master, leading others.  

Affirm:  I intend to allow the highest, most radiant future five year me to guide me now.

Design by Donna Chapman. Images by Kelly Hammond. 

I wish to acknowledge and express my gratitude to Sanaya Roman who channels Orin for her help with this lesson.

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