
The next level of 'Soul Magic' for Healers and Spiritual Teachers

Open up to your highest path through channelling

Soul Magic awaits you, with golden opportunities as you connect even deeper with your Guides and Soul.

This is the next level for healers and spiritual teachers, as this practice opens to the most incredible light-filled pathways. The Spiritual Support you have around you are a ‘Resource’ for you of infinite knowledge and support. This practice is part of the new wave of consciousness ahead.

What is Trans Channelling?  

Trans is the abbreviation for Translation.

Trans channelling is the practice of your Soul, Guides and/or the Spiritual Support you have around you able to speak through you, using your voice.

At first you use your listening skills to the guidance you receive and translate them, to eventually allowing them to speak directly through you.

How do I begin Trans Channelling?  

The preparation to become a clear channel begins by working through the online courses in the Program called the ‘Path to Heart Based Power’ where you develop a deep connection with the Spiritual Support you have around you.

You will release and let go of what is no longer serving you from the past which allows more energetic room to expand further.

As you progress, with practice you will naturally call upon your spiritual support as a resource, until its quite normal to translate to others what message you received… and that’s the beginning of a new phase of your work.

I will be with you by your side no matter where you are in the world with five regular video meetings either fortnightly or monthly, whichever suits you most.


I invite you to click the images for a detailed overview of each course.

Trans-Channelling Overview

Preparation for our first session

Begin with the practices in your own time before our first session by experiencing the course below ‘Activate your Intuition’. 

  • When we meet we will go over what you have experienced in Activate, and we will start asking specific questions of your soul, using intuitive writing.
ACTIVATE YOUR INTUITION text linking to course. Night sky background with icon of meditating lady with sun above her head.

All great leaders began by activating their intuition. ‘Activate your Intuition’ is in two parts and is your first step towards self-care, self-love, and self-support.

In Part one, deepen your connection with your higher self and become more aware of the power of your Soul. Connect with the souls of people you love who have passed away.

In Part two, ignite your mind, body, and soul further, as you allow your inner child to become more a part of your life, and discover ways to ignite your voice, body, heart, peace, curiosity and creativity… more

Preparation for our second session

Practice in your own time before our second session by experiencing the course below ‘Heart Healing’. 

  • When we meet we will go over what you have experienced in Heart Healing, and we will start asking specific questions of both your soul, and your guide using intuitive writing.
HEART HEALING text with Milky Way background and icon of woman meditating with healing rings from heart. Linking to course

Strengthen your heart, with visual guided meditations and practices which release and let go of of the burdens you carry, invite light into your heart and whole body, develop a deeper connection with your higher self, and allow more of the feelings of peace in your life… more

Preparation for our third session

Practice in your own time before our third session by experiencing the ‘Heal Module’ of the course below ‘Heart Based Power’. 

  • When we meet we will go over what you have experienced in the Heal Module, we will start inviting your guide to become more a part of our gatherings, go over what you have experienced, and asking different particular questions of your guide and your soul using intuitive writing.
HEART BASED POWER text linking to course. Icon of meditating woman with light shining from heart, Milky Way Background.

Becoming multidimensional in the way you live your life. Heal your heart further by releasing obstacles from your past, including past lives. 

Meet your guide in spirit, who has chosen you. Your guide is by your side, ready for you to make contact. You are likely to have more than one. 

Now you have created a new goal of healing, personal, or spiritual growth, enlist the support of your Personality Parts to inspire you. Create forgiveness, freeing yourself from the heavy energetic burdens you have carried on your shoulders , heart and body from the past. 

Preparation for our forth session


Practice in your own time before our fourth session by experiencing the ‘Empower Module’ of the course ‘Heart Based Power’. 

  • When we meet we will go over what you have experienced in the Empower Module. We will begin the process of listening and using your voice to express the answers you receive of both your soul and guide.
HEART BASED POWER text linking to course. Icon of meditating woman with light shining from heart, Milky Way Background.

Choose new beliefs which nurture, empower and inspire you, replacing the ones which are no longer serving you.

You are becoming more sensitive to the energies around you now, and it’s wise to be conscious of how it feels when you are projecting the energy of love in different ways.

Practice observing and recognising the drama of others without attachment, cut and send love.

The path of the wise future five year you is important.  You have a path before you, and make a commitment to support this personal journey, which is light filled and inspirational.

Preparation for our fifth session

Practice in your own time before our fifth session by experiencing the ‘Inspire Module’ of the course ‘Heart Based Power’. 

  • When we meet we will go over what you have experienced in the Empower Module. We will introduce more conversational opportunities, through your voice, you will be allowing your guide to express insights and knowledge of the highest path ahead for you.
  • You will receive the guidance, support and inspiration to move towards this direction in the highest way.
HEART BASED POWER text linking to course. Icon of meditating woman with light shining from heart, Milky Way Background.

Your inner healer will also assist you with encouragement to take positive action and create healthful habits that will help with the healing process. You deserve to have a healthy, energy-filled body.

Communicate telepathically on the soul level to the higher self/soul of another.  This practice is particularly useful if you need to communicate a sensitive issue to someone who is likely to react badly (change miraculously becomes their idea). 

You will call upon divine light and love from the Source of all Creation or God – which ever term feels right to you, to cleanse you and make you whole.  You will then project this divine light and love outwards to the earth and all its beings.

Deepening your connection with your Soul, and Spiritual Support surrounding you, communicating with ease, empowers you in every possible way and you open to more harmony, freedom and love in your life.

You will inspire others in ways which will surprise you, as trans-channelling your Spiritual Support naturally creates golden opportunities for you. You have ignited your inner power and you will help make a difference in the world just by being you.

Your higher purpose is not what you ‘do’ in the world.

It’s what ’emanates from you’ with what you do in the world. 

Your most valuable tool that you have is your energy field.

Either online (anywhere in the world), or in person and my prices are:

Private trans-channelling coaching and practice

  • Five – two hour sessions (either weekly or fortnightly depending on your timing) 

AU$ 795.00

You will need to have also purchased the ‘Path to Heart Based Power’ Program.

Contact me using the Messenger symbol on the bottom right of each page and we can organise a video meeting for any questions you may have and how to begin.

I am available at Meadow Springs, which is a suburb of Mandurah in Western Australia

An icon of a map with a dropped pin, leading you to Robyn's business location.

Trans-channelling Testimonials

“Initially, I found it difficult to believe I was connecting with my guides, however Robyn’s coaching was very helpful and supportive. She assisted me with building my confidence. Now I’m using my higher-self and guides as a resource and request guidance daily. The trans-channelling has opened up a whole new world for me.”

“I have conversations with my Soul and two of my guides. They regularly help me clearly understand what it is I have achieved, highlight how I have grown on this journey, and inspire me to celebrate these achievements.”

“My soul reminds me of my self-care, and helps me determine what I next need to focus my attention on.”

“The ‘Path to Heart Based Power’ really is informative and a great foundation for growing spiritually. You will take away many techniques that will forever be a resource. Not only have I worked on my forgiveness and created healing in my heart, but I’m also able to see the pain in others and extend more compassion. It has resulted in healthier relationships.”

“The different meditations helped me to release emotions that were not serving me, my energy became very clear and prepared me to easily connect with my Soul and my Guides.”

“The most powerful aspect is that I have learned how to naturally emanate love. I feel more empowered now, because I know I’m the creator of the external environment around me.”

“Where once I would have focused on how others are, and absorbed their energy. I now recognise that all I am responsible for is how I am. This has helped me feel more at peace and grounded throughout my day. This lesson has taught me that all I need to do, is simply be conscious of what I am emanating outwards.” 

“I have taken spiritual courses and wondered if ‘Heart Based Power’ would be similar to other teachings. I learned so much more from Robyn and it’s presented in a sensible manner that builds on each technique and healing meditation.”

“Robyn’s explanations are relatable and I enjoyed listening to the video’s that explained each module. The written transcripts are helpful too. I refer back to the eBook ‘Guide for Empaths’ which is part of the Program, to review the material constantly… the tools and techniques are so good.”

Trans Channelling

Initially, I found it difficult to believe I was connecting with my guides, however Robyn’s coaching was very helpful and supportive. She assisted me with building my confidence. Now I’m using my higher-self and guides as a resource and request guidance daily. The trans-channelling has opened up a whole new world for me.

I have conversations with my Soul and two of my guides. They regularly help me clearly understand what it is I have achieved, highlight how I have grown on this journey, and inspire me to celebrate these achievements.

My soul reminds me of my self-care, and helps me determine what I next need to focus my attention on.

The ‘Path to Heart Based Power’ really is informative and a great foundation for growing spiritually. You will take away many techniques that will forever be a resource. Not only have I worked on my forgiveness and created healing in my heart, but I’m also able to see the pain in others and extend more compassion. It has resulted in healthier relationships.

The different meditations helped me to release emotions that were not serving me, my energy became very clear and prepared me to easily connect with my Soul and my Guides.

The most powerful aspect is that I have learned how to naturally emanate love. I feel more empowered now, because I know I’m the creator of the external environment around me.

Where once I would have focused on how others are, and absorbed their energy. I now recognise that all I am responsible for is how I am. This has helped me feel more at peace and grounded throughout my day. This lesson has taught me that all I need to do, is simply be conscious of what I am emanating outwards. 

I have taken spiritual courses and wondered if ‘Heart Based Power’ would be similar to other teachings. I learned so much more from Robyn and it’s presented in a sensible manner that builds on each technique and healing meditation.

Robyn’s explanations are relatable and I enjoyed listening to the video’s that explained each module. The written transcripts are helpful too. I refer back to the eBook ‘Guide for Empaths’ which is part of the Program, to review the material constantly… the tools and techniques are so good.

Kerry Pilipovich Dawson

Dreams which seemed impossible have come true!

“My path is clear, and the universe wastes no time in inspiring me with each new step.

This has been the most rewarding work in my life and it feels amazing to be confident that I am heading in the right direction towards my highest path. I’m loving teaching others and holding Heart Healing Retreats, helping people let go, and watching them change their lives for the better.”

Christine Bunn

Conscious Light Foundation Master

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