The Transformations begin…


Hello and THANK YOU,

In your MEMBERS AREA you now have lifetime access to the courses: 

  • ‘CONSCIOUS LIGHT – healing energy program for the beginner’.

They are all easy to follow, take your time, go at your own pace, repeat when you need to, and above all – have FUN!

We shall catch up soon – albeit online – it’s going to be sooooo much fun.

With love, Robyn x

May the Universe guide you to your HIGHER PURPOSE, with TIMELY LEARNING and PEACE in all of your days

About Robyn

Robyn E Gibson – Grand Master and Founder of CONSCIOUS LIGHT – System of Natural Healing, Co-Founder of Higher Communications and Quantum Hypnotherapist

I have practiced and taught energy healings for over 30 years.  Having had a lifetime fascination with all things Spirit and with both parents as master healers led me to my sacred service path. 

It began intuitvely, with an ‘at home’ practice on the weekends when I felt inspired to do healngs on people when I felt they needed loving support.  For several years, I was using my intuition, listening to my Guide on what do, and it all seemed so very natural.

I would practice energy healings and hypnotherapy to help with reaching forgiveness for issues in their life and providing them with personalised take-home meditations. I found this work eased the effects of depression, anxiety, the treatments of serious illnesses, and assisted people with the process of passing away with a lighter heart.

Feeling the need to become certified in some way, and also loving learning anything about Spirit, I then followed with becoming a Master of Reiki, Advanced Pranic Healer, Pranic Psychotherapist and studied Orin and DaBen’s Light Body Work which gave me the confidence to teach healings and hold workshops in several states in Australia. 

The Quantum Hypnotherapy and Light Body work I now practice together with all that I have learned, with the support of my Masters, Orin & DaBen and the Great Light Beings I channel, I was clearly guided to create HIGHER COMMUNICATIONS, the visual guided meditation program and CONSCIOUS LIGHT in a way which also served the hard of hearing and deaf community.

My purpose is now to support and inspire Healers ready to amplify their own power and provide a STRUCTURE, so they can serve their clients in the maximum possible way with the INNER PRACTICES also required for them to heal.

Brought up on a dairy farm in a small town called Tongala, Victoria in Australia, as a child I watched and listened to the stories of my immigrant parents and grandparents.  During the depression, their land a retreat, and self-sufficient with food, able to care for those who were hungry, a secure and loving place for children to play and be housed and fed when their parents were unable to provide. 

As I grew, our farm continued to be a place of retreat for those who had experienced trauma from grief or war and I saw how my parents helped them heal with their generosity of food, kindness and love.

The Universe kindly led me to the works of Dr. Michael Newton whose hypnotherapy took him to ‘in between lives’ at a time when both my parents at the age of 97 had passed away. Dr. Newton’s books soothed me immediately, when reading his words, I could see in my mind’s eye my parents are together and okay.

I knew that one day I would be practicing this work and ten years later that day arrived – I was ready – Quantum Hypnotherapy sessions naturally evolved.

How Conscious Light and Higher Communications began…

It was during a meditation, when I received a very strong message to make my meditations available to the hard of hearing and deaf.  At the time I had no idea how, then in a further strong message of guidance I was told to contact my niece Donna.

Donna Chapman is a graphic artist genius and understood my meditations completely.  With pure love and dedication she created the most beautiful images which became mini movies presenting the meditations in a visual way.  These movies are the 17 visual guided meditations in the Higher Communications program we have today. 

When the meditations were created, I thought I was finished, but no, they had bigger plans for me, which has now become the healing energy program CONSCIOUS LIGHT – system of natural healing.

I was to be sure the program continued to support the hard of hearing and deaf healers and their community, so all instruction videos are subtitled and the meditations are visual which creates an added aspect for everyone to enjoy.





Are you ready to become a Master Healer and Teacher?


Hi, my name is Robyn.

I’m determined to empower others, so they are confident with their higher purpose and creating a heart healing impact all around the world.

My only question,
is one of them you?



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