Conscious Light - system of natural healing
Emotional health and energy healingConscious Light is the foundation of ‘The Path to Mastery’ Program
‘Conscious Light’ empowers you to develop confidence in the practice of energy healing using your hands and body, both for self-healing and assisting others.
As you advance, it provides precise guidance for reclaiming personal power, demonstrating techniques to release trauma by focusing on breathwork, colour, and affirmations, facilitating the healing process of letting go of painful emotions.
Conscious Light is divided into three stages of growth –
the beginner, awaken the master within, the master awakened.
Energy healing for the beginner
Learn methods to build your energy, master the art of amplifying energy through your hands, and cultivate gentle techniques for soothing and alleviating stress.
Awaken the Master within
Learn methods for dissolving and eliminating toxic energies at their core, addressing all forms of toxicity. Permanently releasing immobilizing emotions like grief, guilt, regret, and shame, this process induces a transformative shift within the cells, enabling them to recalibrate to a new way of being.
The Master awakened
Certifications, affiliate opportunity, and explore the ‘Conscious Light – Master Manual’ eBook, delving into topics such as embracing your self-worth, managing your inner critic, navigating external criticism, and seamlessly integrating Master practices into your daily life with confidence.
Easy learning through subtitled video instructions, accompanying eBooks,
and support through a forum,
and online gatherings with live captions.
Healing energy program for the beginner

1st degree
Starting at the very beginning, with all the preparation, invocations, the tools and knowledge you require about energy centres in and around the body.
You will to confidently build your energy, learn to heal emotions, soothe auric fields.
It’s the most nurturing, soft, gentle and soothing experience to receive, and incredible for relieving stress.
Combined with the ‘Path to Mastery’ is also the ‘Path to Heart Based Power’ program which includes all the self healing techniques and visual guided meditations, and is the preparation building your energy, strengthening your heart and igniting your inner power to enable you to begin practicing Conscious Light.
When you share any of this work to your clients, you receive a very generous affiliate.
Awaken the Master within

2nd and 3rd degrees
Transformational shifts releasing trauma from the past (including past lives), using advanced techniques in which you will learn specific hand techniques, breath work, commands and colour.
Incredible for disintegrating and removing toxic energies from the from the very core, including all toxic energies. permanently letting go of immobilising emotions, such as grief, guilt, regret, and shame etc. Shifting the cells in their body, allowing them to calibrate to a new way of being.
Learn distance healing, group healing and self-healing techniques.
Everything is supplied including timing, and content, for you to hold workshops, healing retreats, and meditation gatherings.
The Master awakened

CONSCIOUS LIGHT – master manual
You will receive:
- Three Certificates representing the 3 degrees of Conscious Light to proudly display in your healing room;
- Your Master Attunement where you will meet your Master Guide who has been with you all the while you have been on this journey, deepening your connection;
- An invitation to receive a generous affilliate opportunity, should you wish to teach this work
- The Conscous Light – Master Manual eBook where you will cover subjects like owning your value, how to handle your inner critic, and outer critics and confidently apply Master practices as a part of your daily life.
The healing and empowering of each individual will help others whom they touch in society… and beyond.
Everyone expanding – for each other.
Serving the hard-of-hearing and the deaf community
The visual guided meditations called Higher Communications play an important role in The Path to Mastery, as they gently guide you, in a soft, colourful and beautiful way.
You can experience them just as fully with eyes open and no sound.
Your higher purpose is not what you ‘do’ in the world.
It’s what ’emanates from you’ with what you do in the world.
Your most valuable tool that you have is your energy field.
My gift to you below…
You might like to begin with my gift to you below, the Masterclass called ‘Open to your Heart Power’ where you begin your journey of confidently developing your relationship with your Soul to use as a resource in your life.