Emotional Health and Energy Healing TechiquesOnline teachings (with support) that focus on nurturing energy and emotional health by combining practical techniques with metaphysics
Beginning with igniting your inner power to becoming a Master Healer and Teacher
Crafted to guide you in co-creating with your higher self, a life enriched with more love, harmony and joy in it.
There are three programs – I invite you to click the images for more detailed information.
Program 1
The Path to Heart Based Power
Enrich your inner world
Heal and empower your heart

Combining emotional health techniques and metaphysics together to soothe, heal, empower your heart, and inspire others by the way you emanate from within.
3 x self-paced courses of 43 modules, with 26 videos,(subtitled and transcribed), 17 visual guided meditations, 3 workbooks, and a forum to ask questions, share your experiences, and support each other, and regular online group meetings with LIVE captions.
Releasing obstacles from the past, develop a relationship with your spiritual support, and open to more of the feelings of harmony, love and joy in your life… and more.
Program 2
The Path to Mastery
Become a Master Healer and Teacher of energy and emotional health

Becoming a Master Healer, and Teacher, projecting healing energy through your hands and body, starting from the very beginning to advanced energy healing practices.
3 x self-paced courses of 23 modules with 19 videos, (subtitled), 3 eBooks, and a forum to ask questions, share your experiences, support each other, and regular online group meetings with LIVE captions.
3 x Certificates and a generous affiliate opportunity.
Unique to this program, your client is empowered by being part of the process in disintegrating and removing toxic energies and immobilising emotions, such as grief, guilt, regret, and shame etc.
Distance healing, self healing, and everything you need to hold workshops, retreats, including timing and content…more.
Program 3
Co-Creation at its Best
Create healthy boundaries and
co-create your life with your Soul

Co-create with your soul in establishing healthy boundaries, assisting you to live and manage your life with a clear vision from a higher perspective.
A self-paced course of 5 x modules, 9 videos (subtitled and transcribed) and a forum to ask questions, share your experiences, and support each other.
Specifically designed to support you on a day to day basis when in the thick of experiencing a painful emotion, difficult situation, and challenging relationship.
It’s like having a precious friend steering you through difficult times… more.
Your higher purpose is not what you ‘do’ in the world.
It’s what ’emanates from you’ with what you do in the world.
Your most valuable tool that you have is your energy field.
What people are saying:
The Journey begins…
“I have a much better understanding of how to peel back the layers and support myself through the process on my own as I go through challenges. I have experienced some powerful shifts that have left me feeling lighter and more heart centred.”
“I have developed a much deeper understanding that I am never alone.”
“I have found myself now being able to slow how I’m thinking right down, I’m focused on putting positive energy into things which would ordinarily bring me anxiety and appreciating that ultimately what will be, will be, the universe is constantly opening and closing doors.”
“I feel like I’m taking better care of myself.”
“I’m sooo much more positive about myself, and others. I feel loved, my inner child, Angel, and guide are always with me. Even my lovely friends have noticed, I have that inner feeling of peace now.”
“I have definitely opened up spiritually since my journey and learnt a lot of new aspects about myself and about my healing. I am more confident and more aware of myself and my feelings and I have acquired new strategies to implement in my life. I am more connected to my higher self and I find that I am more content.”
“I came away with a better understanding of myself and my responses to certain situations, which I have found very helpful.”
“I now feel more at ease, confident and complete as a person. It’s like I accept the real me as being precious and important, and now see how I fit into this world. I have a direction to focus my attention on, which feels perfect and I’m excited to discover what unfolds.”
“I’m definitely more grounded and I feel like I have direction and purpose.”
“I received guidance which helped me build some boundaries which were needed.”
“I feel like a lot has been lifted off my shoulders, and seem not so concerned of other people’s opinion of me. I feel more personally empowered in that way.”
“I’m different as a person, as I feel comforted by knowing I am not alone on my journey. I am relaxed and calmed.”
“I feel more comfortable and empowered to deal with decisions, both easy and difficult. I feel more in touch with my intuitive guidance.”
“I now confidently rely more easily on guidance from my intuition and feel so much calmer.”
“I discovered more about my family history which helped me move forward with so much more understanding and compassion.”
… to Master Graduates
Dreams which seemed impossible have come true!
My path is clear, and the universe wastes no time in inspiring me with each new step.
This has been the most rewarding work in my life and it feels amazing to be confident that I am heading in the right direction towards my highest path.
I’m loving teaching others and holding healing retreats, helping people let go, and watch them change their lives for the better.
My life is forever changed.
The further along this path you go, the more aware you become of your true self. It really is a journey, a way of life that, if you choose, with the right intention, will change your life forever – and will continue to do so – that’s what it’s done for me.
I feel more empowered now than I have ever in my life!
I now have a whole new skill in connecting with spirits which helps my clients with their healing and I had no idea before I started this work that I could ever do that!
AND… I’m teaching and I LOVE IT – especially knowing I am helping others feel empowered because I have been there… from vulnerable to confident and capable – the most rewarding experience for me ever!
My confidence is beyond anything I ever imagined.
My work as a Life Coach since becoming a Foundation Master of Conscious Light has now taken a whole new quantum leap in how I present self-healing, self-care, and self-inspiration to my clients.
You have no idea the excitement which bursts from me when I have guided someone and observe them totally transform their lives