The second course in The Path to Heart Based Power
Soothe your heart, and amplify the light that you truly are… from within.
Heart Healing is the second of the three courses which together make up the ‘Path to Heart Based Power’ full program.
Heart Healing is divided into 5 days, with each day’s timing being less than an hour, inspiring you to take your time, allow your cells to recalibrate, and receive this experience as your very own Heart Healing Retreat.
- Letting your thoughts go meditation revisit
- Transform your thoughts and upift how you feel.
- Clear your energy field using colour.
- Create an auric shield, and allow divine support in releasing fear.
- Release burdens which are holding you back.
- Allow the Universe to help you with your challenges.
- Amplify your light from all parts of your body.
- Allow the Divine Light to take worry from your shoulders and support you.
- Confidently step into the light to help guide you on important decisions.
- Connect with your Higher Self and easily allow this part of you to be more present in your life.