Quantum Hypnotherapy
A multi dimensional experienceQuantum Hypnotherapy is a journey with no limits
An adventure into another dimension, another past, and another place in time.
Quantum Hypnotherapy is great for people who are either curious about what could unfold; struggling with a relationship/situation, or you may intuitively know there is a need to heal trauma from the past, including past lives.
About Quantum Hypnotherapy

Your Quantum Self is a layer above your higher self.
You will be shown through your senses, like sight, sound, feelings and touch, how to move through any challenges, answer any questions – including wild multi-dimensional ones you may have, and show you the bigger picture.
Your Quantum Self will, among other things, go through the process of:
- a releasing the energies from toxic relationships or situations (current and past),
a clearing of any energy holding you back from making healthy and loving choices for yourself,
- an ancestral healing.
How is this meant to help me?
People say they feel a profound shift at the end of it, and have more clarity and confidence of how to proceed in their lives.
A healing takes place in all directions of time, (which takes a bit to get your head around). What I mean by this, are you have an opportunity to speak to and listen to the answers from ancestors who have passed away, and the you from other past lives.
You could also find yourself speaking to the soul of someone who is still alive – which will be an important conversation your Quantum Self orchestrated for you.
And that is only a part of it.
The effect of this, and the other multi-dimensional experiences which can happen – is that it somehow changes you in ways that will surprise you – in a wonderful, healing and expanded way.
The cells in your body calibrate to a new way of being.
What am I likely to experience?
This experience is driven – not by me – but your Quantum Self (a layer above your higher self).
Through your senses, like sight, sound, touch, and feelings, you may also be shown past lives, time between lives, and experiences from another dimension which could even be as an energy… on a planet, in another universe, with colours you’ve never seen before.
There will be a reason your Quantum Self has shown you these experiences, as you will recognise an important message, or understanding from them.
What are some of the experiences people have had?
As we heal our present, somehow we also heal the past.
For example, one client held heavy emotions over her mother (who is still alive), as she struggled with frustration.
She was taken back in time to a scene when she was a little girl, crying and angry, laying on the carpet on her bedroom floor.
So, in that scene, we ventured out to the kitchen to speak to her mum. After asking permission to speak with her mum (in this scene back in time).
She agreed, and her mum was able to explain to her daughter why!
Because of this, my client received information kept secret about her father and grandfather (and has since then clarified) she had never known before.
This gave her clarity and was able to forgive (hug her mother back in that scene – and in the now) and truly understand.
Come to terms with the experiences in this life, as perhaps things hadn’t turned out in the way it was dreamed of or expected.
For example, one client was unable to have children in this life, and during the Quantum Hypnotherapy, she experienced a past life where she was a mother, had a family of three children.
Through this experience her heart was fulfilled, she knew she had been a mother, knew what that felt like and her grief and feeling of loss in this life dissolved.
Make a difficult decision easier.
One client was shown a scene with a Neanderthal girl who was 8 years old.
She was in a cave, looking out and watching her father leave to go hunting.
She was speaking to my client, and explained it was just her and her father in the family. She said she felt safe, protected, and happy.
[It wasn’t until after the session, that my client shared, she was considering leaving her husband, and this had somehow reassured her, that her son will be ok with that decision.]
It can also be simply good fun, a surprise journey, you don’t need to pack any clothes for – by the way, I come too.
For example, one client who is an artist in this life was shown a scene where she was a young male called Peter who was an artisan in Paris in the 1800s.
Peter was very smartly dressed in a blouse with billowing sleeves, stripy pants, and shoes that had a point at the toes which curled upwards.
He was showing my client one of the pictures he was working on. The picture was on an easel, looking out into a beautiful garden, with a pond and colourful flowers, and he was painting that scene.
He took us to his home and showed us paintings of the portraits he had created for his clients on one side, and his favorite paintings he kept for himself on another side. (My client took a snapshot of his favorite painting, and to this day has it in her memory).
We then went to a grand ball, in Paris with all the gorgeous gowns, huge hair, and the trimmings.
The ballroom was huge and rich with gold cupids in the corners of the ceiling, and the sound of a harpsichord playing in the background.
I asked if there was anyone he had an eye on (I’m very inquisitive), and he replied “Yes”.
He motioned to an older, very distinguished lady at the other side of the room and said “She is one of my patrons and has purchased many pieces of my work”.
The unexpected wild ride.
One client was shown a scene on a planet, in another universe, and when I asked him to describe it, he said “Well, it’s difficult, because the colours are not the same as the ones that we have here on Earth.”
We met with a ‘being’ who didn’t have a body, he was an energy – and he had a job to do.
I asked him (the ‘being’ seemed masculine in some way) what it was that he did, and his response was “I map the planet for the purpose of simulation”.
When I asked him to describe some of the other planets he had mapped, he replied that he couldn’t.
He explained the reason was that “They take my memory away before I move on to the next one.”… and in the conversation we had, he shared with us he wasn’t very happy about that.
In almost every session, there seems to be a need to help an earthbound spirit make its way home… I have many stories, but this one stood out.
My client was shown a scene where his clothes were made of fur and his shoes were hand-made out of leather. He had an unusual name (sorry I’ve forgotten).
He had just arrived at the scene, which felt like the 1700s or earlier, having come off a sailing ship and was walking down a dirt path in a fishing village to find someone.
I asked him to move through space and time to see if he found him, and he did.
I then asked why he was meeting this man, and he said it was about a job.
I asked him excitedly “Did you get the job?”, to which he replied “Yes”.
I congratulated him, then of course I asked what he was to do, and he replied with:
‘I have to kill someone”
We moved on in the scene to a time when he was laying in bed and about to pass away.
There was no one with him, and he had regret. He explained his life didn’t go exactly as he had thought it would.
I realised this was a past life of my client and I was able to escort his spirit home where he felt loved and at peace.
What have some people said about their experiences?
After a few weeks of the session, I ask that people share what has changed for them, and these are some of what they reported:
“I have a much better understanding of how to peel back the layers and support myself through the process on my own as I go through challenges. I have experienced some powerful shifts that have left me feeling lighter and more heart centred.”
“I have found myself now being able to slow how I’m thinking right down, I’m focused on putting positive energy into things which would ordinarily bring me anxiety and appreciating that ultimately what will be, will be, the universe is constantly opening and closing doors.”
“I’m sooo much more positive about myself, and others. I feel loved, my inner child, Angel, and guide are always with me. Even my lovely friends have noticed, I have that inner feeling of peace now.”
“I have definitely opened up spiritually since my journey and learnt a lot of new aspects about myself and about my healing. I am more confident and more aware of myself and my feelings and I have acquired new strategies to implement in my life. I am more connected to my higher self and I find that I am more content.”
“I came away with a better understanding of myself and my responses to certain situations, which I have found very helpful.”
“I now feel more at ease, confident and complete as a person. It’s like I accept the real me as being precious and important, and now see how I fit into this world. I have a direction to focus my attention on, which feels perfect and I’m excited to discover what unfolds.”
“I’m definitely more grounded and I feel like I have direction and purpose.”
“I received guidance which helped me build some boundaries which were needed.”
“I feel like a lot has been lifted off my shoulders, and seem not so concerned of other people’s opinion of me. I feel more personally empowered in that way.”
“I’m different as a person, as I feel comforted by knowing I am not alone on my journey. I am relaxed and calmed.”
“I feel more comfortable and empowered to deal with decisions, both easy and difficult. I feel more in touch with my intuitive guidance.”
“I now confidently rely more easily on guidance from my intuition and feel so much calmer.”
“I discovered more about my family history which helped me move forward with so much more understanding and compassion.”
There are more in the Testimonials page.
What is the process?
Firstly, please feel safe, as you will be fully conscious throughout, and you have complete control.
You will remember most of what you experience at first, but very quickly your memory fades (very similar to the way dreams quickly fade). Bring your mobile to record the session because it will be invaluable for you to re-experience it later.
My role is to take you on a journey which will lead you to a relaxed state where you will meet with your Spirit Guide who will give you a message and help you with allowing to be open to discover experiences from another dimension.
Many first experience themselves floating through a mist, which changes colour and always feels peaceful, healing or soothing. Your quantum self is raising your vibration, in preparation to allow the next important scene which will naturally unfold for you.
I ask the questions you have prepared on your behalf, and respectfully ask permission to speak through you to the people and beings who are present in each scene.
It’s relaxed and easy, just like a regular conversation, but to someone from another dimension, place, and time.
What is my preparation?
When you call to make an appointment, we will discuss the preparation which is specific for you.
The very first step is to experience the free online course ‘Activate your Intuition’. This course in itself is life-changing.
However some don’t feel comfortable with online courses and if they feel they would prefer my guidance with this, a one hour appointment is made to help them feel confident.
There is also a list of questions I encourage you to prepare, and there is more information on the preparation page.
How long does it take?
I allow for three hours, however sometimes it takes a little longer, so I am flexible time wise to ensure the flow is gentle and peaceful.
The first hour we spend in my garden room over a cuppa discussing your questions and what you would love to set as an intention for this experience and go over some techniques which will support you in some way.
Then we go into the healing room, where you sit in a comfortable recliner chair for you inner journey – it usually takes around two hours or so. That time flies because every client comments that it only felt like half an hour.
Then we spend a little time making sure you are grounded and ready to make your way home.
How do I make an appointment?
To make an appointment, call Robyn on 0488 490 098 – and if I don’t answer, please introduce yourself by leaving a message or sending an SMS.
You can also contact me using the Messenger Icon at the bottom of this page.
On my Contact Page, you can also email me for more information.
Your Quantum Self will give you guidance from a higher perspective.
You will come away feeling confident of your next most important step, clear of how to help yourself through any challenges on your own from then on.
You don’t need to pack a toothbrush when exploring another time, another place, another planet, another galaxy, another universe, and another dimension.
I will however suggest relevant preparation on our initial conversation, so we are both clear of your intention, and have great questions for your Quantum Self to answer.
Your preparation will include experiencing the complimentary Masterclass ‘Open to your Heart Power’. You have access straight away, and is life changing all on it’s own.
This service is only available in person
Quantum Hypnotherapy takes a minimum of three hours.
The priority is to ensure the session is experienced in the most gentle, flowing way, therefore I am slightly time flexible to give more when appropriate – energy levels permitting.
- Three hours/four hours – AU$ 400.00.
To book an appointment call on 0488 490 098.
I am available at Meadow Springs, which is a suburb of Mandurah in Western Australia
Hi, I’m Robyn.

I first discovered quantum hypnotherapy when my husband Shane and I were travelling around Australia, living in our caravan, and had settled in Broome, Western Australia for a while.
It was around 2009, and having lots of lovely time around the pool in the caravan park, with Broome’s balmy heat, I spent glorious hours there, quite often with my nose in a book, and discovered Dr Michael Newton’s incredible read in Live between Lives.
My father had just passed away, and although I didn’t feel as if I was grieving, it was life changing to have Dr Michael Newton’s soothing words which helped me see my father in spirit, celebrating with the many souls who love dad’s soul, all gathering together – laughing, and having fun.
I knew that one day I would practice this work, and in 2013 it naturally evolved. This work is an important part of my service to others – including those in other dimensions.
It seems there is a great deal of celebration that goes on in the World of Spirit. I have an incredible life here on earth, surrounded by so many people I love, however…
I also look forward to joining these soul celebrations, but it is probably the only thing that I’m not impatient about!
Quantum Hypnotherapy Testimonials
Quantum Hypnotherapy
Robyn guided me through learning the importance of how to connect to my guides through a style of writing that worked with me. Robyn dedicated her time in our session to me so I felt welcome, safe and loved which was exactly what I needed in order to remember my blocked childhood trauma.
She helped me to see things as they actually are so I could know it, accept what my past really was, understand why I am suffering trauma symptoms and be proud of how I am. She was right by my side, beautifully and respectfully spoken as if she was keeping me safe so I could be brave enough to face it. I was so relaxed I can’t even tell you how she did it. When I was finished uncovering what I needed to begin to heal I was so very thankful for having her to support me when I was struggling with the constant confusion of feeling…. Lost. She helped me to find and appreciate myself.
I am new to learning my spiritual side, and because of my trauma I am anxious, nervous and struggle with the unknown. Robyn gave the exact amount of care that I needed so I could achieve my results.
I liked how Robyn let me feel like I was taking the lead as to the steps taken to move forward. Feeling safe and in control supported me to get the results from within myself without feeling misguided or forced.
For it was important to realise nothing can change my past and what once was. I’ve gained a newfound, self-awareness and clarity of what was blocked out has given me strength and power to know who I am and why I am this way today.
The importance of how Robyn treated me as an individual was imperative to my situation.
I now feel I understand myself. Gaining the knowledge of the painful pieces I could not reach alone has given me the power and strength to face what I couldn’t before. My anxiety is less, I’m able to recognise my trauma and triggers and heal myself now. And I feel so proud of the place I am standing in now as a person. I feel I just make sense now which has brought me some peace. And I’ve been able to eat and sleep again.
I knew I was going to be facing my own truth that I didn’t know what horrible awful was hidden stored in my brain was a terrifying situation for me, but I was ready to face it when I found Robyn and she knew exactly how to help me through it. She listened without judgment and had compassion putting my needs into her process.
I was absolutely blown away, she is truly gifted to educate and guide those who need it. I’m so grateful to have found this beautiful human being.
Robyn taught me how to get started with a form of creative writing so I can seek guidance for my path to move forward. Robyn unblocked my repressed blocked out memories of what causes my body to respond to my trauma. Now I understand it, I see it for what it is, and I can finally begin to heal myself with a positive outlook for my future.
Quantum Hypnotherapy
Robyn is warm and engaging, and also straight to the point. From a list of what to focus on, Robyn really helped me get clear on what mattered at the core and how to address that.
The most powerful aspect of this experience is that I I feel completely empowered in looking after ME in a way that honors who I am, and how I need to show up in the world.
I have a greater sense of clarity around next steps and what was important for my self care and well being.
At first it was difficult for me to let my guard down – step through fears that I personally had. Robyn has such a big heart that she soon made what was difficult easy.
I was also concerned about spiritual beliefs and differences, but Robyn accommodated these with the utmost respect.
For anyone considering a session with Robyn, be as open and as honest as possible to help both yourself and Robyn in getting your desired results – even if you don’t know what result you are looking for.
I loved how the process worked from end to end, the level of clarity, and now feel emotionally safe and ready for the next phase in my life.
Quantum Hypnotherapy
I feel incredibly empowered after my session. Robyn gave me some easy techniques to help me feel confident, for which I am so grateful. I have a much better understanding of how to peel back the layers and support myself through the process on my own as I go through life challenges. I have experienced some powerful shifts that have left me feeling lighter and more heart centred.
I was able to offer forgiveness to myself in a way I haven’t been able to in 15 years of seeing other practitioners.
What I liked most was the length of time devoted to the session. It was really nice to have so much opportunity to talk and not feel rushed. It was also nice to enjoy lunch together and enjoy the beautiful spaces Robyn has created in her home and garden. I feel like although we didn’t spend much time talking about some of the issues I wanted to deal with, I liked the way she wholly grasped them and made me feel heard and understood during the session. I liked how open she was with me too, sharing her journal folder and what she had written in it as well as some of her own and others experiences.
I discovered for me and for anyone experiencing this, it’s important to trust the process. There were times when I experienced self-doubt as I have trouble with visualising, and the answers that came to me seemed very short and I guess I was placing judgement on myself for that. However when I listened back to my recording and made notes, I realised although the answers were short they were concise and just what I needed to hear.
What was difficult for me during the session was all the crying and snotty nose and not being able to use a tissue as I had the crystals in my hand! Having my eyes closed for such a long time throughout the session was also a new experience for me.
I guess also just being so vulnerable, sharing so much in a short amount of time and releasing the pain and then coming out of the session and just feeling a little exposed. Cake and ice-cream could have helped… ha-ha just joking. I cry a lot but I just didn’t think I expected the day to be so emotional for me. Communicating loudly and clearly was also hard for me which in turn was hard for Robyn, but we got there.
It was interesting to have the session recorded and be able to listen back and take in everything.
I have developed a much deeper understanding that I am never alone. Learning to co-create has changed everything for me…now just to practice it!
Quantum Hypnotherapy
The Journey Robyn took me on was absolutely mind-blowing and I gained far more than I came for. I originally came to Robyn to connect back to my Spiritualism, I wanted to meet my guides and I needed help with my healing practice. Robyn has a very calm aura around her that immediately gives one a sense of security and confidence.
During the Quantum session, I met three guides, one of which is called Anita. She explained that I can call upon her to help during my healing practice. You see I used to get very tired when doing my healings, but now I call upon Anita and am no longer exhausted. Instead I take my customers directly to her. She sits in a garden and submerges us both in a comforting and supportive way into healing water. It’s amazing!
I prepared by following Robyn’s instructions to practice the guided meditations which are awesome and the Automatic Writing and was ready! This whole experience enhanced the way I “see” things in meditations now.
From the first moment I met Robyn there was something different about her. She has an amazing approach of respect and kindness towards others, is extremely observant and has a direct – not beating around the bush communication but she does it without being in any way offensive. That takes a lot of talent and will. She is shining, always smiling and is truly genuine from her heart. I love being around her.
During the session, I discovered very quickly during the first few minutes that I can “see” what she had directed me to before she even said it. It was so interesting. I also realised during and after the experience that even though during the journey I don’t visualise what I am experiencing but rather feel it, it almost immediately translates in my mind into pictures, or a movie – even colours – it’s hard to explain. It’s almost like I have seen it but with another set of eyes that lets me remember the experience in picture format so I will understand, but in reality I haven’t seen it. I learnt from this experience that when I meditate I don’t need to try and visualise, I only need to observe what I feel and it will translate into pictures – it’s wonderful.
I had been wanting to meet my guides personally in such a long time. I have discovered they are so powerful and beautiful, I love them all and I think that one of them might be my grandfather. Although he’s very different in spirit than in human form, although I never met him, he died before I was born – that’s in accordance with the stories I heard about him. He is charming and funny and always agrees with Anita.
I have definitely opened up spiritually since my journey and learnt a lot of new aspects about myself and about my healing. I am more confident and more aware of myself and my feelings and I have acquired new strategies to implement in my life. I am more connected to my higher self and I find that I am more content.
To prepare I think the most important thing is not to expect anything and allow the guidance which comes. People could dread what and how they are about to experience, especially when they hear the way others experience it. Everyone will experience it differently. Trust Robyn and your quantum self to guide you – it’s like magic. https://advastouchoflife.wixsite.com
Quantum Hypnotherapy
After my session I felt like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders and that I was given the gifts of clarity and direction. I knew what I had to do to get things back on track.
My biggest doubt was that I couldn’t be hypnotised! And boy did it surprise me!
Robyn made me feel so welcome and comfortable. I felt relaxed and knew that I could share things with her that I haven’t told anyone before. There was no judgement and I felt like I could just let go and release my inhibitions.
For anyone thinking of experiencing a session with Robyn, just to be open and to prepare your mind beforehand. She provided me with some great tools to utilise before participating in the session. I felt prepared and achieved the results I was after.
I’m definitely more grounded and I feel like I have direction and purpose. So much has changed for me already and ending 2019 with a session was fantastic. I have already put actions in to place for this new year!
During the session I could feel how much emotion was coming out of me. Like uncontrollable emotion. I don’t think there is a way to make it easier but Robyn gave me so much love and space to get it all out, which I appreciate so much.
Super surprised by the strange and bizarre journey I went on. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it certainly wasn’t what I expected!
I loved just sitting with Robyn and working out my big questions. That brought up a lot for me, and brought up things I didn’t really know were affecting me. Overall, the experience was powerful and a blessing. I’m so grateful for the release of built up emotions and baggage. I feel lighter and happier . Ready to take on the world!
Quantum Hypnotherapy
I loved this whole experience – from the moment I arrived until I left was just fabulous. I felt such inner peace having Robyn teach me and re setting every part of me.
I left feeling better, more secure and find I’m not so worried about what anyone else thinks of me, which was a big shift for me.
The most important part of participating in a Quantum Hypnotherapy session I would like to share to others would be, how they can feel better in every aspect of their lives. I found it was really like re starting the fire and just knowing you are headed in the right direction.
I feel really recharged and energized. I felt like a lot has been lifted off my shoulders, and seem not so concerned of other people’s opinion of me. I feel more personally empowered in that way.
I felt everything Robyn did made me feel so at home. Her voice as you go through the QH was so calming and she gave so much love.
I was most pleasantly surprised by finally letting go of my father and in doing that I felt I did not have to worry about friendships as much, as if this issue was interconnected. So now, if I feel a friendship isn’t working for me I know to stop fighting and instead, I can feel calm to let go.
Kirsten Stokes
Quantum Hypnotherapy
After a Quantum Hypnotherapy Session with Robyn, I felt so much calmer. She helped me with practical strategies that I can use to alleviate anxiety. It has been life changing.
I had no doubts or hesitations before the session, because I know Robyn and have experienced her healing and inspirational work before.
Robyn has such a warm and caring approach she’s such a delight to work with. The outcome was amazing!
I’d recommend a quantum hypnotherapy session with Robyn to everyone it’s such a nurturing healing experience.
I’m different as a person, because I have connected with an inner strength that I now know is there to guide me through whatever life brings.
It was all fantastic and I was so pleasantly surprised how easily things flowed.
One of the practical easy steps I can take home is the confidence in intuitive writing. Robyn showed me how it is possible and enabled me to be confident I can do this at home when I need guidance.
Fiona Peters
Quantum Hypnotherapy
Robyn is a kind, caring and compassionate woman and I see her as a spiritual mentor.
The most powerful aspect of this experience was connecting with my mum in Spirit. Since then, I have felt a sense of peace and calm.
I feel even more connected with my spirit guides and angels and comforted in knowing that they are working with me.
As this was my second session, I was aware of the process and able to really relax and allow the session to flow without expectations.
Having a recording of the session is so helpful, because there was a lot I had forgotten, and re-remembering the experience in the future will support me for when I feel grief again.
I don’t remember the neighbour’s music playing in the background but heard it on the recording which was surprising as I didn’t notice the music at the time.
For anyone considering a session with Robyn, try and relax as much as possible, don’t overthink the process, and say whatever comes to your mind, without judgment.
I had a wonderful experience and am grateful that I feel eased from the feeling of grief in my heart.
Quantum Hypnotherapy
Robyn you are without doubt the most powerful aspect of this whole experience.
As someone who has never done anything like this before, I was worried I would let my ego get in the way to begin with. I felt a little unsure about how much I should share & if I was asking too much from my questions.
I felt completely at home as soon as I walked in the door, Robyn made sure to really create a safe and loving space not only with her beautiful home, but with kindness and loving energy. I liked that I was able to talk with ease and felt comfortable throughout the entire process to ask questions freely when I was unsure.
I have found myself now being able to slow how I’m thinking right down, I’m focusing on putting positive energy into things which would ordinarily bring me anxiety and appreciating that ultimately what will be, will be, the universe Is constantly opening and closing doors.
I feel as if I’m allowing myself the time I need each day to properly meditate and give myself some love. I’ve been meditating every night before sleep and sleeping really well, a couple of nights the whole way through. Which has been having dramatic effect on my general mood and energy in such a great way. I feel like I’m taking better care of myself.
I suggest you really appreciate doing your homework, really take the time to prepare and feel well before heading into a session because it really does take a lot of energy.
I really appreciate how much time Robyn really to aside for me, I never felt rushed. I was really glad I was able to talk to her so openly. I didn’t expect to have such a comfortable and cozy chair & blanket & so many cups of tea, all very much appreciated x https://www.instagram.com/preciousplasticpeel/
Quantum Hypnotherapy
My regression was one of the most powerful aspects of the session. I learnt how loved I am.
My past, was very revealing and helpful. Especially getting in touch with my inner child and meeting my special angel and guide. It left me with a warm and “I am loved” feeling. That I now bring into my meditations, and feels wonderful.
I had no doubts or hesitations with coming to Robyn because I had spent time with her on her website and I felt I really knew and trusted her.
Robyn’s warmth, and absolute joy in what she was doing, loving to help and sharing her wisdom just shines from her.
For me what’s important for others to know about participating in a Quantum Hypnotherapy Session, firstly, I feel it helped to learn and use the tools on Robyn’s website first as she suggests as preparation. But the main thing would be to just relax and go with the flow. (I told myself, whatever is best for me, and it was).
I am different since the Hypnotherapy Session in that I’m sooo much more positive about myself, and others. I feel loved, my inner child, Angel, and guide are always with me. Even with lovely friends, I have that inner feeling of peace now.
The whole time with Robyn was so uplifting an experience, not just the time of the regression that initially I went for. I feel very supported by Robyn, with her website, and as she has said several times, I can ask her if I need help.
Quantum Hypnotherapy
Robyn’s ability to put me at ease meant it flowed easily and I felt safe and protected throughout the session.
I came away with a better understanding of myself and my responses to certain situations, which I have found very helpful.
I had very little previous knowledge about Quantum Hypnotherapy, however after receiving the preparation, I felt confident with how I could make the most out of the session before I arrived.
I found it took time for me to process the experience and discovered a lot more information and understanding about myself as the days passed than I realised at first.
This session resulted in me having a very rich an interesting experience, I was able to connect with such ease, and the answers to any questions Robyn asked on my behalf were right there.
That really impressed me, the ease with which I was able to access the higher knowledge I had. I felt like I was visiting a long lost friend.
Quantum Hypnotherapy and Coaching
I came to Robyn at first at one of her workshops needing to feel empowered. She has helped me in so many ways, because of this, I felt at ease coming to her for a Quantum Hypnotherapy session.
Robyn’s gentle, calming persona and the relaxing ambience, eased an anxiety I was feeling, because it was my very first session, so I was uncertain and a bit nervous, because I hadn’t experienced anything like this before.
I was so surprised that I was able to easily go into a past life and what I learnt from that experience has really helped me in this life. It is important to keep an open mind, and relax with the process.
The greatest shift which has taken place for me is, that I had in this life felt deeply saddened I never became a mother. Having now experienced a past life where I was a mother, and had created a family, released me from that feeling of loss. That feeling of a lost opportunity is now gone.
I now feel more at ease, confident and complete as a person. It’s like I accept the real me as being precious and important, and now see how I fit into this world. I have a direction to focus my attention on which feels perfect and I’m excited to discover what unfolds.
Quantum Hypnotherapy
My session with Robyn was relaxing, comforting and inspiring.
I was worried about what my experience would be. I found that it was exactly what I needed at the time.
I loved that Robyn was kind, caring and I easily was able to receive the answers that I needed.
I want to encourage anyone attending to just relax and let it unfold. My first Quantum hypnotherapy session with Robyn was completely different to this one. So relax and soak in the results.
The Quantum Hypnotherapy gave me guidance and helped build some boundaries. It also helped me to get in touch with Archangel Gabriel who I know will always be there to guide and protect me. Since the session I have referred quite frequently to the notes Robyn took whilst under the influence. I use these to make decisions on what I should focus on and what activities best nurture me.
The most difficult for me was trust – it’s always the biggest issue for me, however, Robyn made everything ok and inspired me to allow whatever happens in the session to be ok.
I was extremely happy with my experiences.
The most powerful aspect of the session was the Ruby Place my quantum-self took me to. A place of fun, calm and love. It was really special.
Quantum Hypnotherapy
Robyn’s session provided me with two first person experiences that offered me consistent themes that are very relevant to where I am at in my life right now.
The first was a 13 year old female cave dweller and the second a 33 year old male woodchopper. Both had significant responsibility in their lives and felt the weight of that, as do I!
The message was that they both have a community to support them, they are not alone on this journey- and neither am I!
The only doubt or hesitation that I had before the session was that I wouldn’t like what I heard, but instead it was a loving and gentle experience.
Robyn is such a beautiful soul. I had no problem relaxing with her, felt cared for and comfortable throughout.
It is important to go into it open and come out of it looking for what meaning there is personally.
I had a funny thing happen. When Robyn lists the colours of the portals, my rainbow has blue and hers doesn’t. I became fixated and insisted on following the absent blue. Took me a while to get out of the darkness, probably because of my own stuff! Robyn observed what is going on pretty much all the time and can address things so they move forward.
I am different as a person, as I feel comforted by knowing I am not alone on my journey. I am relaxed and calmed.
Quantum Hypnotherapy
After my Quantum Hypnotherapy session with Robyn, I felt more comfortable and empowered to deal with decisions, both easy and difficult. I feel more in touch with my intuitive guidance.
I was more curious than anything, as I’d never having had a Quantum Hypnotherapy session before.
Robyn has a welcoming, loving approach to the process, and the way she got to know me and listened and adapted to my needs.
I feel it’s important to do the preparation she sends you, as it really is such a self-loving and self-caring process, and really think about any questions you have at all before you go. Allow the length of time Robyn suggests.
I now confidently rely more easily on guidance from my intuition and feel so much calmer.
What was most difficult for me was being unsure where my quantum self would take me, and being a bit unsure of whether I could see visions or feel the feelings needed, but they were a lot clearer than I would have expected.
I was pleasantly surprised by how relaxing and enjoyable my time was and the feeling of empowerment and how much lighter I felt.
My one most powerful aspects which as followed the session is my opening up to feeling freer and powerful yet my natural gentle way.
Two years later…
My quantum self suggested during the Quantum Session above, that we prepare our home to sell, buy a caravan and travel. I honestly hadn’t thought of that. At first I was hesitant, but I discussed it with my husband after my session, and we are now, two years later with our new home on wheels, travelling around Australia having the most incredible time.
Nicki Barnes
Quantum Hypnotherapy
I now have a better understanding of my emotions and behaviour now.
I was a little afraid of the issues I was trying to resolve, however with being in such a relaxing environment, Robyn helped me feel very comfortable and at ease.
Be prepared for whatever might come to the surface, because I was quite surprised at how deep I dug.
I discovered more about my family history which helped me move forward with so much more understanding and compassion.