Path to Heart Based Power Program
Strengthen your heart and ignite your inner powerCombining self-healing, practical teachings with Metaphysics
Deepen and enrich your inner world
If you are feeling overwhelmed, stuck with a heavy heart, or are simply curious about Metaphysics, and looking to open to an inner power, then you are in the right place.
You will deepen your connection with your higher-self, with grounded practical teachings… creating a new phase in your life, one with clarity, new visions of the future, and harmony in your heart.
The ‘Path to Heart Based Power’ is self-paced and contains three courses

Soul Magic Membership Bonus 5
If you sign up today…
The extra bonus of my ‘Soul Magic Membership’, where we gather together online (with LIVE captions) monthly, get to know each other more personally, and discover other heart minded people in this community.
We celebrate your growth, discover what to let go of, what and how to allow, and your next most important step.
If you can’t make it for any reason, or are hard of hearing, you may submit any questions, and a copy of the calls will be recorded, subtitled and transcribed to access at your leisure.

This is my way of serving you in the highest possible way.
Full Payment
Payment Plan
Are you feeling…
- Overwhelmed with responsibility, unable to allow time for yourself, struggling to think clearly, without a vision that makes sense for you, or even reachable.
- Grief, depression, fear, anxiety, shame and/or everything in between, causing you to feel stuck and unable to consider that happiness is at all possible for you.
- Heart wounds from relationships and situations seem to reoccur, and you recognise there is inner work to do to move forward in a way that eases your heart, and invites more love and harmony in your your life.
- You need to create healthy boundaries, but not sure how, or even if you have the courage to implement them.
- Curious about emotional health and metaphysics, but not quite sure how, because you know when you do – you will step into your heart power – and open to a new phase in your life.
How would life be different if you could…
- Allow support from the Universe, and your Soul to create solutions for you, and help you to ease your load from those overwhelming responsibilities.
- Confidently allow your Soul to co-create a life with you – one that that nourishes and enriches you.
- Gracefully and gently lift away those feelings of grief, depression, fear, anxiety, shame, and worry etc., opening to more love, harmony and joy in your heart and your life.
- Feel clear on how best to heal heart wounds as you discover them, ridding them from your body forever, releasing the past, and moving through situations in the highest way as they arise.
- With clarity, confidently establish healthy boundaries, so you are honoring yourself, and true to your own needs. Surrounding yourself with those who respect each other in this way.
- Create a lighter heart, free, ready, and clear of a new vision ahead, a new way of being and showing up in the world.
You can do this… and this is how
Just by taking this ONE program, right from the very beginning, you will immediately be conscious of listening to your Soul and become clear and confident of each new step to take.
Your Soul is your Soul Mate
And loves you more than anyone.
Your higher purpose is not what you ‘do’ in the world.
It’s what ’emanates from you’ with what you do in the world.
Your most valuable tool that you have is your energy field.
The three Courses in the Path to Heart Based Power
I invite you to click the images for a detailed overview of the three courses in this program below.
Course 1 – Activate your Intuition
All great leaders began by activating their intuition. ‘Activate your Intuition’ is in two parts and is your first step towards self-care, self-love, and self-support.
In Part one, deepen your connection with your higher self and become more aware of the power of your Soul. Connect with the souls of people you love who have passed away.
In Part two, ignite your mind, body, and soul further, as you allow your inner child to become more a part of your life, and discover ways to ignite your voice, body, heart, peace, curiosity and creativity… more
Course 2 – Heart Healing
Strengthen your heart, with visual guided meditations and practices which release and let go of of the burdens you carry, invite light into your heart and whole body, develop a deeper connection with your higher self, and allow more of the feelings of peace in your life… more
Course 3 – Heart Based Power
Becoming multidimensional in the way you live your life. Heal your heart further by releasing obstacles from your past, including past lives.
Meet your guide, and support in Spirit, communicate more from the level of Soul, and discover ways to create clarity, and courage in making the changes you desire in becoming heart powered.
Opening up to more of the feelings of harmony, freedom and love in your life, and inspire others, shining your light naturally, as you go about your regular day… more
This work also serves the hard-of-hearing and the deaf community
The visual guided meditations called Higher Communications play an important role in The Path to Heart Based Power, as they gently guide you, to enrich your inner world in a soft, colourful and beautiful way.
You can experience them just as fully with eyes open and no sound.
Hi, I’m Robyn
I’ve had the path of teaching energy healing and emotional health since the early 1980’s.
I became a more conscious seeker in my early 20’s, when I experienced grief for the first time – and all the emotions in between – so I asked my Soul “How do I ease my heart?”
I was given a clear message, that whatever I learn, I must teach – and that path has led me to you… more
Here’s a summary of what’s included:
You have these self-paced programs for life. They are energetic experiences and every time you revisit them you will discover something new… just what you need at the time.
They have a repeat value that is unique every time you engage with them.
- The ‘Path to Heart Based Power’ Program with 3 x courses, of 43 modules with 26 videos, (subtitled and transcribed), and 17 visual guided meditations, 3 x workbooks (AU $400 value).
Plus my bonuses
So I may serve you in the highest possible way… the fast action bonus of the Soul Magic MEMBERSHIP, where we gather together online WITH LIVE CAPTIONS, monthly, and sometimes more often, connecting personally with me, and other heart-minded people in this community.
(AU $2,000 value)
- To re-remind you of all that you have learned in the Path to Heart Based Power… the beautiful eBook ‘Guide for Empaths – navigating life with more ease and grace’
- To guide you gently through a current painful situation… the Program ‘Co-Creation at its Best’ with 5 modules and 9 videos (subtitled and transcribed). (AU $200 value)
- To dive deeper in the world of energy healing… the Program ‘Conscious Light – healing energy program for the beginner’ with 7 modules, 9 videos (subtitled), and accompanying eBook. (AU $200 value)
Total value AU $2,800
Full Payment
Payment Plan
Once enrolled, and you have created a log in, your courses will be listed in the ‘MEMBERS’ page on the Menu above.
After completing these courses, you have the option to upgrade to include ‘The Path to Mastery’.
What people are saying…

This is for you if you…
… you are ready to confidently allow your Soul and the Universe to support you in easing your load, and creating a life where your challenges are confidently dealt with from your heart powered perspective.
… you are ready to create healthy boundaries, release toxic emotions and situations, and allow the courage and strength to move to a new, higher way of being.
… you are curious about how emotional health practices and metaphysics work together to make changes for new beginnings and a new phase in your life.
… you are ready to accept that there is a higher way, and keen to access the higher guidance available to you – because you are ready to allow more harmony, joy and love into your life.
This is not for you if…
… you don’t feel ready, or find it difficult to believe that inner work is needed to help you let go of past pain.
… perhaps that pain is serving you in some way and you are not quite ready to create a new way of being ahead.
… maybe accepting that you could improve your relationships and situations – by making the changes within – seems inconceivable.
I 100% guarantee that you’ll love these programs, or I’ll return your money back straight away.
Just email me within 14 days of purchase and I’ll refund you, no questions asked.
Frequently asked questions…
What if I have doubts, and I feel nervous?
It’s so easy to doubt, and have struggled with fear of thinking I’m not good enough, intelligent enough… do I deserve this?! However the moment I felt confident that I was communicating with my Soul, I always had her to speak with, to listen to. She would reassure me, help me move forward and take me by the hand with each new step.
The moment you have doubts – and they will come, go back to intuitive writing, ask your Soul the questions you have, and for the support you need. When you have fully experienced ‘Activate your Intuition’ you will be used to listening to your Soul, but if you find you feel unsure after finishing the first course, contact me by messenger and I will be by your side to help you feel confident your Soul is with you. You are going to be okay, you are loved and you are deserving of a light-filled and empowered heart.
Can you imagine if everyone in the world had a light-filled and empowered heart?!
How is this meant to help me?
People say they feel they are never alone any more, they feel supported, and have their higher-self (also known as your Soul) to call on when they have doubts, feel confused, and need help.
Where in the past they may have had self-doubt and lacked confidence, after practicing the inner work, with their souls guidance, and speaking to the souls of others when they have a challenge, they can envision a clear path and confidently know what to do.
They are conscious of what their body needs to feel healthy and nurtured, their connection with their inner child allows them to allow more laughter and fun in their lives.
They observe situations around them, create healthy boundaries, however should any triggers surface, are able to speak to their Soul on how to heal the emotion, and handle the situation in the highest way.
They feel fully supported, because everyone has a Soul who is right there, helping them, supporting them and guiding them along the way to a new way of thinking, being and opening up to an inner power they have never known before.
Is this all I need to do?
Path to Heart Based Power will help you feel at peace in your heart, and ready to live a life with a new way of being. One with more love, peace and joy in it.
If however you would love to practice energy healings and learn more about that process, the Path to Mastery follows this program. But if teaching others is not something you feel is in your Path, and emotions surface from time to time – as while we are alive, we are healing something or another – just repeat the modules you are drawn to in Path To Heart Based Power. You will always experience something new when you do.
More of what people are saying…
“Heart Based Power, although it took some time, gave me important lifechanging lessons, and when I consciously practice them, wow I’m blown away at how incredible a ripple affect it has on others. Life has definitely taken a different and surprising direction. I am conscious of my guides, and my soul is more a part of my life. We are a team. My relationships have improved – especially my most important one. I focus on how I can change, and how I can improve, rather than having that expectation or blame on others.”
“I am so excited, I have met my guides, I’ve discovered there are two. I have their names and they communicate with my family who have passed away. I love the way I can communcate with the souls of others, it helps me release my thoughts, and ease how my body feels. I feel so much more confident, because I know I have my higher self to help me with any challenge that comes my way.”
“I now have new strategies to implement in my life. I am more connected to my higher self and has given me a feeling of contentment. I have found that discovering the higher dimensions has opened up a whole new world for me. I have more compassion for the people who would once have been an issue, and can let go of the drama so much easier.”
There is a massive wave of consciousness to
a new higher-minded and heart-powered way of being
YOU are now a part of.
My gift to you below…
You might like to begin with my gift to you below, the Masterclass called ‘Open to your Heart Power’ where you begin your journey of confidently developing your relationship with your Soul to use as a resource in your life.