Strengthening your intuition in the process!
Do you recall moments in time when coincidences have happened in your life? Have you noticed that these moments were all good feeling ones?
It could be the perfect book that someone handed to you, the perfect person to show up for you, or the perfect event that somehow was exactly what you needed, or had hoped for.
It gets even better when you consciously connect with your higher mind (Intuition, Soul, higher self), because when this happens, the magic amplifies.
When I learnt about this 30 day manifesting challenge, I gave the Universe an adventure that I thought was impossible to achieve – that manifested within a fortnight. My story is below.
This has taught me to prioritise how I feel, and to regularly use my Spiritual Support as a ‘resource’ to help me along the way.
It’s co-creation at its best.
It’s my intention to inspire you with easy ways to open to, and allow experiences that bring you excitement, love, joy, peace and a sense of aliveness in your life.
Your Soul wants to assist you in creating this in your life too.
This article – and the ‘Open to your Heart Power’ masterclass video below will help you, because when you co-create with your higher mind, you experience more connections, surprises and miracles along the way!
Reflection Point:
Recall a moment in time when you experienced a good feeling coincidence?
For me, when this happens, it feels like magic.
30 day manifesting challenge has 3 easy steps
Have a notebook and pen by your bedside table ready….
Step 1 – Day 1
Write down what you would love to experience in the next 30 days.
Step 2 – Every evening before going to sleep
Write a list of what you are grateful for, (training yourself to lift your vibration), and after that…
Step 3 – Ask your Soul
“What message do you have for me today?” and listen for the answer (it will seem like a regular thought) and write it down.
Try it just for 30 days and reflect on what magic has unfolded for you.
Listen to how you feel when you finish this exercise – sweet dreams!
My first experience
I did this years ago, when I was working for the Broome Visitor Centre (north Western Australia). I put it out there that I would love to go on a tour for free to see Mitchell Falls which was overflowing during this particular wet season and a rare sight to see.
In the wet season there aren’t many tourists that come to town, but I had served a couple who wanted to fly over Mitchell Falls. I enthusiastically found a tour operator who was happy to arrange that, and boldly asked if I could go in the spare seat as a ‘famil’ (meaning free) – and he said “yes!”
I was so excited… and it was incredible!

The above image is not my picture by the way, I couldn’t get as good a shot as this, it came from Google images.
Affirmation (if it feels good for you to say):
I have the power to create a life that I am grateful for.
Listen to your body wisdom
If you sense yourself feeling anger, rage, fear or have a judgement or belief of what is right and wrong – recognise you have thoughts that are adding fuel to holding you back.
Every inspirational leader began their journey by listening to their intuition. You can activate this within you too – it’s easy and life changing.
The ‘Open to your Heart Power’ masterclass video will help you with transforming those thoughts each time you are triggered, so you can move forward with what you love to do.
My Guides explain:
“We in the higher planes see the changes that are taking place, we can see how each and every one of you is making a difference by shining your light.”
How to open to your heart power
If my words resonate with you, or feel good to you, the below ‘Open to your Heart Power’ Masterclass video may just be your perfect next most important step.
What you will experience…
You will be gently guided in how to:
- Co-create your life with your best friend – your Soul, to see your life through the lens of a higher perspective.
- Confidently ‘listen’ to the words of your Soul, have conversations, asking investigative questions – to ‘determine’ the highest way forward for you in every situation you face.
- Enlist the support of your Soul to release any emotions holding you back.
- Let your annoying or painful thoughts go with an easy practice you can do at any time during your day.
- Reframe your belief system so you feel supported by your thoughts rather than held down.
- Listen to the inner healer within you, so you are inspired to care for your body and listen to its needs.
You can experience ‘Open to your Heart Power’ in your own time
Make sure you have a pen and notebook ready, because you will be channeling your Soul and your Inner Healer and it’s more effective if you write the answers down.
It’s surprising when you re-visit what you have written at a later time, because you experience the answers with fresh eyes, and a different frame of mind.
Have fun with it, I find the higher dimensions have a great sense of humour.
Hugest love,
Intuitive teacher and channeler