Receive and recognise inspired guidance!

Do you recall moments in time when you spoke and thought “did I just say that? – that was good!”  We receive higher wisdom, available to us all, at times when we feel centred and relaxed.   Life flows easier when you consciously connect with your higher self, particularly in times when you have an important decision to make or need wise guidance.

This article will show you how.

Consciously connect with your higher self

We create positive changes, manage situations and relationships in the highest way when we are connected with our higher self.  We creates shifts, inspiring outcomes for the better.

Reflection Point: Recall a moment in time when you responded wisely and wondered how you found the words?!

To consciously contact this wise part of you, call upon your higher self in your mind.  Your higher self is always with you, all you need to do is use your imagination.  It is not necessary for you to have a clear picture of your higher self, as it will show itself to you in a way which you will relate, or feel safe.  So, for you, it may be a feeling, or a glow.  Feel comfortable with how it presents itself to you.

Below is a meditation to show you how.

Meditation preparation

  • If you are new to Meditation and unsure of how to start, you will find the very first meditation movie ‘Letting your thoughts go’ free on my website (access at the end of this article), the perfect first step.  
  • Call upon your higher self, by affirming “I intend to connect with my Higher Self”
  • Think of a question to ask.
  • Relax and enjoy.

Higher self meditation

Sit with your spine straight, in a comfortable position.

Take a few deep breaths, and give yourself time to relax your body.

Starting from your feet, calves… abdomen and lower back… upper chest, shoulders, letting the tension go… your eyes, your jaws… your whole body, relaxing.


  1. Imagine you are sitting under a waterfall of light.
  2. Notice how it feels as the light touches your body. 
  3. With each breath in, you are filling your whole body with light.
  4. Enjoy this moment.
  5. Imagine a ball of light is above your head.
  6. Focus on the ball, as this light is what connects you to your higher self.
  7. Relax and give yourself time… your higher self always responds to your call.
  8. Feel the love your higher self is sending you and breathe this love in.
  9. Ask your higher self a question if you have one, otherwise just relax.
  10. Thank your higher self for being with you.
  11. Only when you are ready, taking your time, you may bring yourself back to the room and open your eyes.

Like an ‘inner knowing’, you will receive the answer, or wise guidance when the time is right for you.

Reflection Point: Don’t worry if you feel you are not doing it right (from experience, I know how easy it is to doubt).

All you need to do is have the intention to connect with your Higher Self.  Release any concern or pressure!

Recognise inspired guidance

  • Guidance from your Higher Self will always be for the highest good of everyone involved.
  • Guidance you receive will not require hasty action.

Your higher self will encourage you to pause and reflect, before taking action.

It is your personality speaking, not your higher self if you feel pressure to act impulsively, or take action immediately.

The guidance is usually the very first answer which comes to mind, but to be sure, I find it helpful writing down all the answers I receive and reflect on each one, by asking my Higher self “Is this the highest way?”

You will sense the right answer, like an ‘inner knowing’.  It will always be loving, reassuring, encouraging and for the highest good of all.

Ask for the courage to take action, say the right words and to be guided to the right timing

Allow the answer as you sleep

I found a great time to ask your higher self a question, particularly if you need help for the next day is just before you go to sleep.  When we are sleeping, we are not resisting answers, because our minds are in a restful state, and not overthinking, scheduling or planning as we humans are inclined to do while we are awake. 

We really do benefit from listening by having a still mind, instead of thinking.  It allows the wisdom to come through.

So, ask a question before you go to sleep and request that you have the answer when you wake in the morning.  You will be so pleasantly surprised!

Ask for what steps to take, what beliefs are helpful, what to say to others, what to say to yourself.

When I am to write an article, or create a meditation for someone, I ask my higher self, and source energy, before I go to bed, to please help by downloading the information I need as I sleep, so I don’t need to think about it the next day.   By the time I am at the computer, the words flow like magic.  I am so grateful.

My experience

I am always checking in with my higher self.  This has been a practice of mine for many years and it gives me such confidence.  It makes sense to me, the importance of teaching others how they too can consciously connect with their very own high wisdom.  There are moments when of course, we connect with our higher self, but not consciously aware of it.   We are listening, instead of thinking.  We are open when we are feeling harmony inside. The outcome of these moments manifest in the “Ah Ha!” moments in our lives when we are inspired to take action, or events take place all line up perfectly which leads to good feelings inside in some way or another.

I love those “Ah Ha!” moments!  And I love watching my life unfold and how when I ask a question, the answer comes to me.  I love how when I feel I need help with something, all of a sudden someone arrives at my door with the exact help I need.  

When ever I hold healing sessions or group workshops and I am unable to satisfactorily answer a question, or it’s not my place to do so, I encourage in the next meditation to connect with their higher self for guidance in the subject.  The inspiration which follows within them always blows me away, and comforts them with the answer they are confident with.  Much to my relief!  

Client Case Study – Debra

When Debra came to one of my Group Healing Sessions she was feeling grief, abandonment, anger and frustration.  We were about to experience the ‘Higher Self’ Meditation, and before we started, she  expressed the frustration that she felt as her higher self was of no help to her what so ever.  She explained that she felt as if she was doing all the right things that she had been taught to do with contacting her higher self and nothing was ever working out for her!  

I could tell I was not going to come up with an answer which would soothe her at all, so I made the suggestion that she ask her higher self in the next meditation specifically why this was happening.  I’m so glad I did, because at the end of the meditation, her face beamed, because she had received the answer. 

The moment the meditation ended, she burst out with such excitement to us all in the group that the reason it hadn’t worked for her, was that she didn’t trust herself, or the process.  She was given images in former memories which helped her somehow have clarity.  There is no way I could have helped her – but in those moments during that meditation, after asking that specific question, she allowed the answer to come.  Her higher self was then able to help her, as she was open, listening and ready to receive the answer.

At that, she grabbed her bag, and said “Gotta Go!” and ran out the door!  We hadn’t finished the program for the day, but I guessed she needed to really soak up the message she had just received and didn’t wish any interruption or distraction from the inner process she was on.

A fortnight later, I caught up with Debra.  She looked like a new person.  Her face beamed, she was happy and she was sharing with me what she had created, how well she was going and the direction she was now confidently heading in.  Her frustration was replaced with confidence.  It was so great to see.  It’s the best fun ever watching people transform for the better. 

I know I couldn’t possibly have helped her with the answer she was needing at that Group Healing Session, but I’m so excited that just by me leading her to allow the wisdom from her higher self whilst meditating that day, that she was able to create huge positive changes in her life.  She is trusting the process now, and it shows!

Listen to your body wisdom

If you sense yourself feeling anger, rage, fear or have a judgement or belief of what is right and wrong – recognise you have thoughts that are adding fuel to holding you back.

Every inspirational leader began their journey by listening to their intuition. You can activate this within you too – it’s easy and life changing.

The ‘Open to your Heart Power’ masterclass video will help you with transforming those thoughts each time you are triggered, so you can move forward with what you love to do.  

My Guides explain:

“We in the higher planes see the changes that are taking place, we can see how each and every one of you is making a difference by shining your light.”


How to open to your heart power 

If my words resonate with you, or feel good to you, the below ‘Open to your Heart Power’ Masterclass video may just be your perfect next most important step.

What you will experience…

You will be gently guided in how to:

  • Co-create your life with your best friend – your Soul, to see your life through the lens of a higher perspective.
  • Confidently ‘listen’ to the words of your Soul, have conversations, asking investigative questions – to ‘determine’ the highest way forward for you in every situation you face.
  • Enlist the support of your Soul to release any emotions holding you back.
  • Let your annoying or painful thoughts go with an easy practice you can do at any time during your day.
  • Reframe your belief system so you feel supported by your thoughts rather than held down.
  • Listen to the inner healer within you, so you are inspired to care for your body and listen to its needs.
  • How to open to the most incredible heart journey of inner harmony, inner power, and, in doing so, you become… an inspiration to those around you in living a heart powered way of being – just by being you.

You can experience ‘Open to your Heart Power’ in your own time

 Make sure you have a pen and notebook ready, because you will be channeling your Soul and your Inner Healer and it’s more effective if you write the answers down.

It’s surprising when you re-visit what you have written at a later time, because you experience the answers with fresh eyes, and a different frame of mind.


Have fun with it, I find the higher dimensions have a great sense of humour. 

Hugest love, 


Intuitive teacher and channeler

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