Use your Spiritual Support as a resource!
Have you known on some level that there is divine intervention because of the coincidences in your life? Are you aware that when you use them as a resource, you can help them – help you?
You can open to more support from your Spiritual Support, by articulating what you would love to them, asking questions about what you can do to support your goals – and listening for their answers.
You don’t need to ‘see’ them, just know they are there. If you feel doubt that they exist, maybe just focus on your higher self, or your Soul.
Although I’ve known about my Spirit Guides and the non physical support I have around me for most of my life, it’s really only over the last few years that I have discovered that I can use them as a ‘resource’ for everything. They shared with me, that this is what they are here for.
They have helped me have the courage to show up in the world, in a way that my old beliefs would have otherwise held me back. They help me create my future, rather than focus on the fears of the past.
It’s my intention to inspire you with easy ways to use your spiritual support to help you as a resource in your life too. All you need is your imagination, and be prepared to listen to the answers they give you, and take action on what feels right in your heart to do.
This article – and the ‘Open to your Heart Power’ masterclass video below will help you, because when you co-create with your Higher Mind (intuition, Soul, higher self, guide, spiritual support), you experience more connections, surprises and miracles along the way!
Reflection Point:
Can you recall one of those moments when everything seemed to work out for you, and how you felt at the time? This good feeling memory is an example of the ‘Universal Flow’.
Be aware of how you feel, and choose good feeling thoughts
The thoughts you choose, the beliefs you have, create the feelings you experience – and your Spiritual Support is listening to both, and bringing to you more of the same, so it’s important to focus on what you would love, or the direction you wish to head – creating your future.
Be clear of your intentions
I have made the mistake in the past of having such a busy mind, with so many scenarios in my head of what I could do in the future. My Spirit Support were listening, as does yours, but with all the different probable directions I was throwing out into the universe, not much was happening.
However, the moment I became clear, with a one-pointed focus, and that my intention that everything must be for the highest good of everyone, the doors opened for me.
I have learned that I’m not to have any expectation, and to let go of control – then opportunities present themselves at the perfect time.
Ask your guides the right questions
Now, I need to admit to struggling with ‘letting go of expectation,’ (and fear), and ‘letting go of control’. I would be mad at myself when the universe would block something. I would ask myself “What am I doing wrong?” “Why isn’t this working for me?”
The questions that would have been way more affective at the time are “What change do I need to make?” “How can I do this better?” and/or “How can I be better?”
Some other great questions:
- How can I support my intention of….?
- How can I let go of control/fear/expectation?
- What changes can I make to prepare?
- What is the most important use of my time right now?
- What is my next most important step?
Express gratitude
Remember to finish with gratitude – “Thank you for the guidance that you give to me.”
My experience
The most profound changes within me, happened when ‘harmony’ became my primary focus. The Spiritual Growth that I yearned for, and consequently explored over the years, helped me understand that if my heart felt at peace, I was more connected to the ‘Universal Flow’.
For harmony, self-care is your priority.
Now, when I’m feeling out of sorts, and faced with challenges, I understand that in every situation I face, that creates resistance, or pain in my inner being… there is a lesson for me. I just need to find out what that lesson is, and when that’s revealed, I work on resolving it.
I now focus on asking:
- What is my lesson here?
- How do I respond in the highest possible way?
- How can I soothe my heart?
- How can I best take care of me?
A heart in harmony is powerful.
Affirmation (if this feels good for you to say)
I invite more harmony in my life every day.
Listen to your body wisdom
If you sense yourself feeling anger, rage, fear or have a judgement or belief of what is right and wrong – recognise you have thoughts that are adding fuel to holding you back.
Every inspirational leader began their journey by listening to their intuition. You can activate this within you too – it’s easy and life changing.
The ‘Open to your Heart Power’ masterclass video will help you with transforming those thoughts each time you are triggered, so you can move forward with what you love to do.
My Guides explain:
“We in the higher planes see the changes that are taking place, we can see how each and every one of you is making a difference by shining your light.”
How to open to your heart power
If my words resonate with you, or feel good to you, the below ‘Open to your Heart Power’ Masterclass video may just be your perfect next most important step.
What you will experience…
You will be gently guided in how to:
- Co-create your life with your best friend – your Soul, to see your life through the lens of a higher perspective.
- Confidently ‘listen’ to the words of your Soul, have conversations, asking investigative questions – to ‘determine’ the highest way forward for you in every situation you face.
- Enlist the support of your Soul to release any emotions holding you back.
- Let your annoying or painful thoughts go with an easy practice you can do at any time during your day.
- Reframe your belief system so you feel supported by your thoughts rather than held down.
- Listen to the inner healer within you, so you are inspired to care for your body and listen to its needs.
- How to open to the most incredible heart journey of inner harmony, inner power, and, in doing so, you become… an inspiration to those around you in living a heart powered way of being – just by being you.
You can experience ‘Open to your Heart Power’ in your own time
Make sure you have a pen and notebook ready, because you will be channeling your Soul and your Inner Healer and it’s more effective if you write the answers down.
It’s surprising when you re-visit what you have written at a later time, because you experience the answers with fresh eyes, and a different frame of mind.
Have fun with it, I find the higher dimensions have a great sense of humour.
Hugest love,
Intuitive teacher and channeler