Have your powerful energy field and wisdom ready!
Do you find yourself in uncomfortable situations, feel bullied and not sure how to respond? You can create an energetic field around you that effects the people you come in contact with, and have the wisdom to respond, and act from a higher perspective.
Whenever I felt vulnerable at the beginning of my self-growth journey, I would use my intuition, asking my higher self for guidance, and that led me to opening my spiritual books at the perfect page with the wise words to help me feel better.
I knew I needed to go further, especially for when I felt bullied by people who had ‘power over’ me in my work. I learnt how to respond, and act wisely, so that I felt powerful, whenever confronted again. I’m sharing with you here what I have received over the years from my guides, that became absolute nectar to my Soul.
It’s my intention to inspire you with easy ways to radiate a powerful energy field, and investigate ways to prepare and respond from a higher perspective, so you are powerful from your heart.
This article, together with the ‘Open to your Heart Power’ masterclass video below will help you, because when you co-create with your Higher Mind (intuition, Soul, higher self, Spiritual Support) you experience more connections, surprises and miracles along the way.
Reflection Point:
Think of a situation that you know, you could have handled better, but not quite sure how.
By using your imagination, use this situation to investigate as you experience this article, and decide how different you would best respond – if it ever happens again.
Create a powerful energy field
When you change your thoughts from ‘victim thinking’ (focusing on the past) to what ‘you can do’ to improve or change (creating a new future), and request support from the higher dimensions, you change your energy field.
If you know you are about to go into an environment that you feel uncomfortable, or fearful, the below Support Invocation is incredible – it helps you shift your focus. If you need it, you may choose to say it before you set off for the day. I know it’s long, but gosh it’s worth it.
It has my love threaded through these words, because I created it for my husband, Shane at a time when he really needed it, many years ago.
It worked instantly, and, I’ve since discovered, he has carried that piece of paper I gave to him, folded up, in his car ever since, just incase.
Support Invocation
“I ask the Source of all Creation to please create for me a crystalline temple of light for around me. I invite all my high level guides, masters and great beings of light to please join me.
Please clear and cleanse all energies that are not of the light, and fill this temple with the highest, brightest and most radiant light, and the raised vibrations needed for my healing, my growth and my light.
Under the Divine Light of the highest order, thank you great beings of light and divine mother for embracing, loving and supporting me.
Thank you Archangel Michael for cutting and carrying away fears and emotions not serving me, dissolving blockages and past life contracts, and any beliefs that are interfering with my happiness, health and abundance.
Thank you Archangel Raphael for healing my wounds, and the wounds of all others involved.”
Ask for wisdom from your Higher Mind
Speak to your Soul (after you say the above invocation), to find out the highest way to handle the situation. Ask the questions you need answering and listen for the responses.
Questions like:
- How can I soothe my heart, and prepare for ….
- What is the highest intention for me in this situation?
- What words do I say? (Ask for help in phrasing them)
- How do I respond?
- What questions are best to ask?
What actions do I take?
Have your sentences ready and rehearsed
When feeling verbally attacked and vulnerable, I learned by having rehearsed great responses over and over in my mind to call upon when I needed them, really helped.
I have some suggestions below, but please check with your Soul to make sure you are using the most appropriate communications for you.
One that can be used on it’s own
- “Thank you so much for sharing”, allows their words to go over your head. Used on it’s own, the silence that follows is gold – I love this one.
Give yourself permission to pause
“Thank you so much for sharing”, (following by) …
- let me think about that and get back to you.
- just give me a moment to digest this.
- I’ll get back to you later.
Respond with a question
Some may not be aware of how they make people feel by the words they use, so by asking them a question, gives them an opportunity to express their words differently.
- What’s your intention behind that comment?
- Can you help me understand?
- What is it you are trying to do?
- Are you trying to be helpful, help me understand?
Invocation to prepare
During a meditation, I was given these words to help me prepare for the next day, because I was facing a situation where I needed to express my truth, in a meeting full of people and it was a confrontational situation for me.
“Please help me say the right words at the right time, and have the courage to speak.”
I repeated these words over and over in my head, right up to the time of the meeting, and I expressed my truth brilliantly… at the right time, and the courage came easy. I was so proud of myself.
My ‘Thank you for sharing’ experience
The very first time I used “Thank you so much for sharing” was in a business meeting many years ago. The 15 staff who were at the meeting, like me, had only just met the facilitator that day. His subject was on Personality Traits.
I was the receptionist and when he arrived earlier, I had welcomed him, as I did with everyone, with enthusiasm and a big smile.
For the oddest reason he decided I was a safe person to choose a discussion on his subject, and proceeded by expressing his impression of what he considered my negative side would be. He, who was greeted with love by me, had quite unkind words to say.
My immediate response, perhaps a little more cheerful than he appreciated, was “Oh, thank you so much for sharing!”
The facilitator was caught off guard, as he received no support or criticism from me on the flow he was on.
I have a feeling he was hoping I would respond in a way that would prove his ‘negative side’ theory of me correct.
It wasn’t until after the meeting was over, when my colleagues came to me, sharing with such excited support at how well I’d handled him, that I realised the power of that sentence.
All the staff who were at that meeting started practicing it.
Affirmation (if this feels good for you to say)
I open to the words that unfold for the highest good of everyone.
Listen to your body wisdom
If you sense yourself feeling anger, rage, fear or have a judgement or belief of what is right and wrong – recognise you have thoughts that are adding fuel to holding you back.
Every inspirational leader began their journey by listening to their intuition. You can activate this within you too – it’s easy and life changing.
The ‘Open to your Heart Power’ masterclass video will help you with transforming those thoughts each time you are triggered, so you can move forward with what you love to do.
My Guides explain:
“We in the higher planes see the changes that are taking place, we can see how each and every one of you is making a difference by shining your light.”
How to open to your heart power
If my words resonate with you, or feel good to you, the below ‘Open to your Heart Power’ Masterclass video may just be your perfect next most important step.
What you will experience…
You will be gently guided in how to:
- Co-create your life with your best friend – your Soul, to see your life through the lens of a higher perspective.
- Confidently ‘listen’ to the words of your Soul, have conversations, asking investigative questions – to ‘determine’ the highest way forward for you in every situation you face.
- Enlist the support of your Soul to release any emotions holding you back.
- Let your annoying or painful thoughts go with an easy practice you can do at any time during your day.
- Reframe your belief system so you feel supported by your thoughts rather than held down.
- Listen to the inner healer within you, so you are inspired to care for your body and listen to its needs.
- How to open to the most incredible heart journey of inner harmony, inner power, and, in doing so, you become… an inspiration to those around you in living a heart powered way of being – just by being you.
You can experience ‘Open to your Heart Power’ in your own time
Make sure you have a pen and notebook ready, because you will be channeling your Soul and your Inner Healer and it’s more effective if you write the answers down.
It’s surprising when you re-visit what you have written at a later time, because you experience the answers with fresh eyes, and a different frame of mind.
Have fun with it, I find the higher dimensions have a great sense of humour.
Hugest love, and keep shining!
Intuitive teacher and channeler