Create a ‘Universe To Do’ list – allow Universal Flow!
Do you find yourself overwhelmed by tasks? Do you tend to procrastinate, but really want to move forward? Are you confused about which direction you should head?
You can call upon the Universe to help you, it’s easy to do and the Universe is always ready!
When I first learnt this idea from Abraham Hicks, the master teacher of the Universal Law of Attraction, I was amazed at how items on my lists dissolved with outcomes far better than I would have ever dreamed.
This is the BEST!
It’s my intention to inspire you with the easiest possible way to invite and allow the Universe, and your Spiritual Support you have available to you, to take over, or set things up for you for all the items from your list, and give yourself permission to let go, knowing whatever happens will be for the highest good. All you need to do is then ask “What’s my next most important step?” and watch the magic unfold.
This article – and the ‘Open to your Heart Power’ masterclass video below will help you, because when you co-create with your higher mind (intuition, Soul, higher self), you experience more connections, surprises and miracles along the way.
How to create your ‘Universe To Do’ list
- At the top of the page place the words ‘Universe to Do’
- At the foot of the page place the words ‘For the Highest Good of the Earth, the Universe and all Beings Everywhere.’
- Enter your list in between – it needs to be forward thinking, and focused in the positive, what you would love to have happen. You might like to begin with the sentence with “What I would love” to remind you. Or, in my example below includes “I love, allow and surrender to…”
This is you, allowing the ‘Universal Flow’
You will understand if you are a list maker how your items get crossed off in a surprisingly quick way. The difference between a regular list, and the ‘Universe to Do’ list is you are asking for help from the Universe, with the disclaimer ‘if it doesn’t happen, then it’s not for the highest good’.
This allows me to relax, because I can ‘let go’ and ‘release expectation’ of the outcome, because if it’s not for the highest good, I don’t want it to happen anyway.
This is a perfect example of how to go with the ‘Universal Flow’, where things just fall into place.
Your responsibility is only now to focus on the guidance you receive when you ask “What’s my next most important step?” Listen for the answer that excites you, or gives you a good feeling inside, then take that action.
Ask the Universe to do everything
I have a ‘Universe to Do’ list for EVERYTHING! Below are a few:
Today’s Universe To Do |
Weekly Universe To Do |
Monthly Universe To Do |
Garden Universe To Do |
Year Universe to Do |
Holidays Universe to Do |
Home Universe To Do |
Robyn’s Universe To Do/Shane’s Universe To Do |
Reflection Point:
Are you worried about your family? Or concerned about someone you love or care about? You can ask for help from the Universe to help your precious ones too! See Pam’s story below.
My experience
I have a million stories, but today I’ll share the result of my very first ‘Universe to Do’.
I’ve been creating Universe to Do lists for about 40 years. The reason I know this, is I met Shane about 40 years ago, and when he saw my lists, he thought I was most odd.
What he didn’t know at the time was, I actually had him on my first list. I asked the Universe for a man in my life who is loyal – and there is no one in my life more loyal than Shane. That didn’t mean I was free of lessons to learn in relationships, thanks to Shane I have been forced to grow, and that growth has enriched me in every possible way. The Universe did a great job there!
So you can include your relationships as well, just like Pam’s experience who was worried about her family below.
Pam’s experience
Pam in her late 50’s came to be feeling exhausted from the issues which were taking place in her family. She had five children and two grandchildren and she was worried for most of them. This worry dragged her down so much she felt so weak and helpless.
I helped her create a Universe To Do list for her family. Each member of the family was an item and beside each name she was to write in a positive way what she would love for that person. She understood the concept, and I reassured her, that each member of her family have their own individual personal journey. She is not responsible for that journey, that is not her role.
By the end of the list, I could see she was uplifted. Her thoughts were of what she would love for her family, and not of what she feared. This is a much better way to energetically support the people you love.
Listen to your body wisdom
If you sense yourself feeling anger, rage, fear or have a judgement or belief of what is right and wrong – recognise you have thoughts that are adding fuel to holding you back.
The ‘Open to your Heart Power’ masterclass video will help you with transforming those thoughts each time you are triggered, so you can move forward with what you love to do.
My Guides explain:
“We in the higher planes see the changes that are taking place, we can see how each and every one of you is making a difference by shining your light.”
How to open to your heart power
If my words resonate with you, or feel good to you, the below ‘Open to your Heart Power’ Masterclass video may just be your perfect next most important step.
What you will experience…
You will be gently guided in how to:
- Co-create your life with your best friend – your Soul, to see your life through the lens of a higher perspective.
- Confidently ‘listen’ to the words of your Soul, have conversations, asking investigative questions – to ‘determine’ the highest way forward for you in every situation you face.
- Enlist the support of your Soul to release any emotions holding you back.
- Let your annoying or painful thoughts go with an easy practice you can do at any time during your day.
- Reframe your belief system so you feel supported by your thoughts rather than held down.
- Listen to the inner healer within you, so you are inspired to care for your body and listen to its needs.
- How to open to the most incredible heart journey of inner harmony, inner power, and, in doing so, you become… an inspiration to those around you in living a heart powered way of being – just by being you.
You can experience ‘Open to your Heart Power’ in your own time
Make sure you have a pen and notebook ready, because you will be channeling your Soul and your Inner Healer and it’s more effective if you write the answers down.
It’s surprising when you re-visit what you have written at a later time, because you experience the answers with fresh eyes, and a different frame of mind.
Have fun with it, I find the higher dimensions have a great sense of humour.
Hugest love and keep shining,
Robyn x
Intuitive teacher and channeler